So we tried out the air conditioning in the new car - it was amazing to see the temp outside rise as we drove away from Wellington (and then fall again as we returned!) We had a nice break away, dinner out at Lone Star - just time together without the kids was nice.
While I was there I looked up an old friend. She has seven of her own kids and one foster kid at the moment - they've just bought a new car that seats ten! And life in their house is so much more organised than in mine - what was I thinking that three kids was busy???? Try eight - and the oldest is not quite 13!
No more complaining about my three ... maybe none of their's has a personality like Jessi.....
Happy Anniversary - sounds like you had a nice weekend away :-)
I think you must be using our summer, 'cause we had a nice couple of days, and now it's gone.
Congratulations on the anniversary, and glad to hear you enjoyed your time away.
sounds like you had a ncie fe days away. Oh new cars are fun......and air conditioning is all that's a big family, she must be super duper organised!!
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