Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Time

I just noticed that my counter thingy says I've had visitors from 50 different countries. How cool is that. Another reminder that there are more people out there reading this than just you faithful few who comment.

Today has been a bitsy day. I've done bits of this, bits of that and have not much to show for it. I finished a layout. Wrote up a couple of supplies lists and sent off a layout and a card to Up2Scrap. Got some other paperwork done and posted. Got some photos printed of yesterdays school trip with Alexander. Stocked up on easter eggs for the weekend. And of course a bunch of Mum/housewifey stuff too.

Nobody could be bothered cooking tonight so we picked up KFC and ate it with this view:

The kids wanted a picnic, they asked to go to a big park - not a playground, but a big open green space - is how they put it. This place is actually not far from our house, (as in, just around the corner) we should come here more often. Unfortunately the sun was going down behind the hills and the air had a definite autumn feel to it.

Love how they lined up to get their photo taken - in height order. It reminds me of photos of me as a kid, lined up with my brother and sister and often cousins too.

And some Jessi photography - just to prove I was there too.


Angela said...

Great pics, nice to just get away sometimes, isn't it? We had what my kids call 'lazy dinner', pies, toast, whatever you wanted, but it had to be able to be done in 1 step, LOL.

Shelley said...

Love all the photos Beverley!!! Yep I like 'lazy dinners' too... my favourite is pizza :D Only problem is that I could eat pizza every night and still not be tired of it LOL

Anonymous said...

We had KFC last night too, but not with that gorgeous view.
I love the pics, the kids look so cute in their height order. And didn't Jessi do well with her photo!

Anonymous said...

What a view Beverley! no wonder the kids wanted to go there. I made homemade lazy dinner last night - had some frozen fish fillets and chips ...I was trying not to get takeaways and remembered I had them! LOL

Jessie is quite the photographer!

Vicki said...

Must have been the night for all those "lazy dinners" but I was real lazy as Alexia did mine - frozen fish & chips.

We did the height order thing as kids as well - every single photo! Perhaps we need to hand the camera over to kids more often - Jessi did a great job.

Love what you did in my CJ - loved the note to the kids.

Trace said...

WTG Jessi! Good for you having a picnic, love that the kids just wanted some wide open space. Just loving this slightly chilled air morning and evening, leaves should start changing soon...Happy Easter my friend.