Friday, December 14, 2007

That Christmas Magic

I caught a glimpse of Christmas Magic at my house last night. I guess it was really a 'had to be there' moment cause I certainly couldn't take a picture of it, although I tried.

You see I've been reading blogs and getting pictures in my mind of beautifully decorated houses, halls decked in all the Christmas trimmings etc. Well, at my house we have kept it low key - there just didn't seem like much point when we are going away next week. I've put up a small tree, kinda in the corner and out of the way. It has a couple of presents under it - my secret santa ones from my Scrapbook Essentials Secret Santa and a couple from our neighbour across the street.

Anyway - last night as I turned out the lights to go to bed I found the Christmas Tree lights were on so I bent down to unplug them and caught a glimpse of Christmas Magic under the tree. I guess it was just the way the lights were shining and the presents were glowing under the tree - it just looked magical and reminded me of that Christmas Wonder feeling I had as a kid.

Jessi and I made these today for her Kindy Christmas party. It was so cute when we started decorating them and she said 'Hey Mummy those red lollies look just like cherries!' Well isn't that a good thing! Inspired from the girls at Scrap of Faith of course. They were very well received at Kindy but unfortunately the left over ones that I had saved for tomorrow have all mysteriously had their 'cherries' removed.


Mrs Frizz said...

I could do with a dozen of them ... they look super duper yummy - we won't mention the calorie factor, after all, it's Christmas.

Take care.

Shelley said...

LOL about the 'cherries' :) They look super cute though! I think you captured the magic of Christmas really well in your photo... amazing how everything looks so beautiful in the lights!

Karen L said...

I also think that you have captured the moment well. It is the memories that are precious hey. Love you little cakes - the girls at SofF have been so inspiring with all their baking lately haven't they. I love it that we can discuss all sorts of stuff there - not just scrapbooking.

Anonymous said...

You definitely captured that "magic" ... what a neat photo!

It was SO nice to meet you today!! The photo of the 2 of us on my camera is really nice ... I'll probably post it on my blog sometime next week ;-)

LOL at the "cherries" being removed ... too cute!

Chrissy said...

Oh they do look soooo yummy!!!! Well done!

I just adore your Christmas piccy too, so special. :-)

Love and blessings
Chrissy x

Carolina said...

I love that this cupcake frenzy has caught everyone up in it LOL! They look delicious!