Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I need more

long weekends. Three days is just the right length for a good weekend, especially when the sun is shining.

Didn't end up getting a lot of scrapping done. But did finish this one for the kiwi jack of the month. The original very cool layout belongs to Delys. I loved the black and whiteness of it and just had to jack the dots only I used sequins.

The photos aren't the best quality - scanned from the originals. This is my Grandma and Grandad and four of the five boys they had. (Dad is second from the right in the top photo.)

And a few photos from our visit to Percy's Reserve on Sunday afternoon:

Jessi running - anyone know how to photoshop out those horrible tattoos she plastered on her arms? Grrrrrrr.

The kids - (we swapped Rebekah for Amelia on the right - just for the afternoon)

Jessi being cute.

Feeding the ducks and baby ducklings.

Feeding Jessi!

Is it just my kids or do all kids eat the bread you brought for the ducks?

The bandanna's by the way are from Canteen. We have a kid at church who had leukemia when he was younger. It has become tradition to buy a new bandanna every year when they come out. With three kids we are getting quite a collection now.

OK, better go do something useful.


Anonymous said...

No, your kids are not the only ones who eat all the bread! LOL.

And I have the same problem with tattoos all over my kids arms in photos!!!

Love the bandanas, they all look so cute. And a very worthy cause, too. I keep meaning to buy a B&W Dan Carter-designed one at the supermarket, must look out for it next time.

Mrs Frizz said...

Awesome pics Beverley ... can see some brilliant layouts outdoorsy layouts coming up in the near future.

Trina said...

Hey Beverley, looks like a fabulous time!

And yes, my kids eat all the bread too. Poor ducks hardly get any! LOL!

Karen L said...

Great photos of your kids Beverley. Hope to see some great layouts from these. We have a little boy at church too who had leukemia a couple of years ago. Definately a worthy cause - have got quite a collection here as well.

Yvette said...

Gorgeous photos. I haven't taken the little one duck feeding yet, but I bet he would eat the bread too. I love how you used sequins as dots on your jack, very cool.

Monique said...

Great Jack Beverley, love the old photos you used.

Oh and yep my little one still eats the ducks bread, in fact I threw some out for the birds on the lawn the other day and found him munching away on that too lol!!

Rochelle said...

Love the layout for Kiwi jack, the sequins seem to be all the rage at the moment. Great idea, I must get some.

Rowena said...

LOL about the tattoo!
(send me the full size pic and I'll get rid of them for you if you really want!)

Meg McKenzie said...

That wee Jess is a cutie - gorgeous sunny looking photos - any chance you could send some sunshine our way please.....

Shelley said...

Yep my kids used to eat the bread too!! Love your layout... the sequins look great :)

Anonymous said...

Long weekends are great, aren't they? And yes we need more of them for sure. Love the photos of the kids, very cute!

Vicki said...

Great spring photos Beverley. My kids are a bit old for eating the duck bread but not too old to give it to the ducks although not too many ducklings down at the lake - just a few cygnets.

Lara said...

I get a bandanna every year too & yep, my kids eat the bread too.